2011-06-18 - Run for Roses Trek


~4 miles @ ~10.9 min/mi

A MINI Cooper with "JFK 50" oval sticker cruises by when I'm about three miles from home, trotting north along Georgia Avenue toward the MCRRC "Run for Roses" women's 5k. At Wheaton Regional Park the owner introduces himself: Eric Melby, who coincidentally is helping with me at the final aid station. We chat about mutual acquaintance late-ultrarunner Mike Broderick, training, fitness, racing, health, etc., and carry tubs of roses to the finish line at Race Director Christina Caravoulias's request. I help Jim Rich at the kids fun-run, then fill cups and hand them out to tired 5k racers. Eric gives me a ride home.

(cf. trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-07-04